+972 545524589

We Are L-Labs

We are the right team of AI Experts for your project

Who are we excatly?

Why Choose L-Labs?

L-Labs focuses on providing cutting-edge algorithmic and AI services for research labs, traditional companies, startups, and venture capitals. The company is led by Dr. Teddy Lazebnik and integrates five AI experts from the biological, economic, finance, clinical, and zoological domains.

Consultancy plans

We provide professional consultancy about data and AI for your business to give you an edge

Team Training

We provide training programs from RnD teams to join the AI revolution

Tailor-made AI Projects

We address your algorithmic and AI needs, accurately and efficiently

How We Do It?

Data-driven AI consultancy

Who said that the shoemaker’s children go barefoot? As an AI experts, we use AI to make sure our own organization is performing well. We collected data on previous projects, tasks, and consulting meetings and use our own AI solution to learn and improve over time, making sure the next project is always better than the previous one.

Agile development plans

While most of the outsource companies wish to sell big, we wish to sell “right”. As AI projects are usually relatively ambiguous, we make sure to propose and deliver right-size AI projects to the client’s needs, reducing the risk for all parties.

Professional Network

The business world is vast and challenging with many fields to expert in. While we are not always expert in all fields, we usually know the right person to the task, or at least where to find him. We gather AI teams for clients for long-term as well as for outsource specific projects, allowing us to handle wide range of problems.

Year of RnD experience

Delivered projects

Academic papers

Algorithm in production


We bridge your businesses needs with a tailor-made algorithmic and AI solutions. Do you learn more? contact us today


Tel Aviv, Israel



+972 545524589